TIC TOC CLOC - thrive in crisis

There is a 95% mortality rate for the level of brain injury that I survived in a kite surfing accident 13 years ago. I would like to share with you the TIC TOC CLOC process I applied to thrive in my crisis. This will help put you in the best position to look back in 13 years and say that you were in the top 5% of those businesses that survived the covid pandemic.


In a crisis don’t let your clock stop ticking. Is it time for you to use.


Thrive in any Crisis

Following the 3 steps TIC TOC CLOC will give you the edge you need to not only survive but thrive in any crisis. Be in the top 5% as a survivor like Jason (wheelchair to marathon in 5 years)

In a crisis TIC TOC CLOC prevents panic, which may create another crisis or disaster. The TIC TOC CLOC programme and workshops bring senior leaders through a process where they are trained to be mindful of the business information available, then confidently taking appropriate action to thrive in a crisis.

Thrive In Crisis

TIC TOC CLOC will empower you and your entire team to stay calm, be in control, and discover the nuggets of opportunity created by a crisis.

Consciously Observe

Stop and PERCEIVE all the information coming to you. REFLECT calmly on the options and opportunities created by the crisis, before taking appropriate ACTION.

Opportunities Consciously

Manage uncertainty. Using contingencies to mitigate the most unfavourable condition. Once you are confident these risks are covered you are free to look for and take advantage of the opportunities created..

Winston Churchill famously said:
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.”

Winston Churchill
Prime Minister

The TIC TOC CLOC process gives businesses access to one the world’s leading business strategies. Is that something your business could use right now?

“Crisis contain both risk and opportunity. Resilience is finding the nuggets of opportunity hidden in crisis and using them to your advantage. TIC Thrive in Crisis.”

Jason Le Masurier
Resilience Coach

Chartered Civil Engineer Dr Jason Le Masurier is an expert in construction management with an industry led PhD in the organisational and contractual aspects of managing uncertainty. He brings his extensive knowledge and experience in the construction sector to businesses in all sectors faced with the challenge of managing uncertainty.


Jason worked in design in the construction industry for 10 years at Hyder and Arup. He did his PhD in Construction Management at Bristol university. He coordinated the UK government’s industry efficiency improvement initiative ‘Rethinking Construction‘ in the South West. He moved to New Zealand as a lecturer in Construction Management at Canterbury University. He helped initiate a version of Rethinking Construction in the NZ industry. He was a co-leader with Resilient Organisations focussing on post-disaster reconstruction

He is now applying the process he developed in his PhD to help businesses and originations improve their resilience by effectively managing uncertainty.